Fool Me Once (Book...
By BookMonkey0404
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • boy
  • emotion
  • feelings
  • girl
  • heartless
  • insane
  • mature
  • romance


"Here lies Reed Downey. A brother, A friend and A son" The smooth voice echoed. She knew every spoken word was a lie from the moment it grazed his thin lips. "What terrible monster would do such a horrible thing to a simple boy?" The priest mumbled, his voice already overtaken by his emotions. Her mind simply mused at his words as a small smile started to overtake her features. Averting her gaze from the Priest her eyes locked on blue lips and stone cold features. "How tragic" spoke a women to her left as she tumbled into a fit of tears. Chenille only gave the women a slight thought as she focused all her attention on the corpse. Her corpse, his body belonged to her. _____________________ Chenille didn't have awful parents to become who she is. No instead she has loving parents who continue to do everything for her. It's a shame though, Chenille was never one to be satisfied. Cars, money, Houses the list could go on and on. Chenille however, didn't care for such things. She only wanted him. And when she proclaimed her love for him in the only way she knew how, he didn't reciprocate. But his lack of emotions didn't break her heart, In fact, it only solidified the love she held for him in the beginning. Which is why it had to be done, for his sake and hers. So with no emotions, no words, only forced numbness. She gave herself a mere second of heartbreak and then she killed him. ______________________________

FoOl mE oNcE

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Fool Me O...
by BookMonkey0404