Light is best in Da...
By Divergent_Muggle
  • Fanfiction
  • boardingschool
  • danandphil
  • danhowell
  • fanfiction
  • lightanddark
  • magic
  • phanfiction
  • phillester
  • phần
  • romance


"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." Dan attends Protea Nasturtiums boarding school and has been doing so since the age of 11. Now, at sixteen, he is thoroughly fed up of the rules and the mould ridden canteen, his ordinary dorm mates and dull classes. He barely speaks with anyone anymore; people are afraid of his silence. But Dan has a secret. He is a master of light, he can manipulate the very particles and distort what people see, conjure up a flame large enough to set fire to entire cities or plunge everyone into complete darkness. He is dangerous, but nobody knows quite to what extent. That is, apart from Phil. Phillip Michael Lester joins at the beginning of the year and is instantly drawn to his mysterious house mate, Dan. He will not stop before he finds out the truth. PHAN AU, no trigger warnings. Genre: Angst/Fluff. This is a collab between me and @TheVintageCatx, I will be writing Dan's POV and she will write Phil's. Her blurb and Prologue explain the history of the world and the powers far more clearly. I hope you enjoy!!!


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Light is...
by Divergent_Muggle