upside down
By refillinglife
  • Romance
  • bestfriends
  • break
  • dualautobiogrphy
  • fights
  • forever
  • foundher
  • foundhim
  • heart
  • highschool
  • kissing
  • love
  • makeouts
  • makeups
  • mistakesinlove
  • romance
  • soulmate
  • teen


Shu a guy from Mumbai , the most cosmopolitan and one of the largest cities of India and Pooh a girl from guwahati ,a small town in India . Shu has travelled the world ,Pooh never got out of India. Shu is a Marathi . Pooh a Bengali . He likes music .She likes art. When they meet the only thing in common is broken relationships and bad experience . Read on to find out how they turn each others lives upside down ,how they go through the roller coaster of teenage life falling and getting up ,how they end up completing each other Hey guys , This is shu and pooh and we are writing a dual autobiography ♡ . This is a true story . Our names and the characters' names are changed to protect identity . Please Read to find out about our love story and we promise you a very interesting one ♡ P.S. Our story is dramatic ,seriously when we started to write our story ,we realized how different is our story from any other teenage couples we find nowadays .Read further to find out ♡


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by refillinglife