Happy As A Neri ☻
By Primrose_Path
  • Humor
  • 2016
  • bff
  • collefe
  • fiction
  • food
  • friends
  • funny
  • high
  • icecream
  • kiss
  • love
  • popcicle
  • romance
  • sarcasm
  • school
  • sister
  • teen


"If you wanted for me to be quiet, you could have kissed my mouth shut," the overly confident boy suggested. "Uh, no, Quicksilver," I said, feeling strangely nervous as I made my way out and the boy followed. "What the hell is up with Quicksilver?" he questioned as we left with the disappearing crowd. "When you saved my sis, you were all like Quicksilver!" I informed him. Just thinking about that night made me smile. He was definitely Quicksilver. No one else could have done that. "Why not the Flash?" he questioned, his hazel eyes staring into my light blue ones. "Because he is overused. The Quicksilver needs some love." "So you are going to give me some love?" he questioned, wiggling his eyebrows. The thing was... I wouldn't mind at all giving this Quicksilver guy some love...

CHAPTER 1 ~ Shopping , Food, and Disney

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Happy As...
by Primrose_Path