Forsyth Turn has finally become a hero-however reluctantly. But now that Lucy Piper has married him and they've started a family in her world, his adventuring days are behind him. Yet not all is as it should be. Beloved novels are disappearing at an alarming rate, not just from the minds of readers like Pip, but from bookshelves as well. Almost as if they had never been. Almost like magic. Forsyth fears that it is his fault-that Pip's childhood tales are vanishing because he, a book character, has escaped his pages. But when he and Pip are sucked back into The Tales of Kintyre Turn against their will, they realize that something much more deadly and dire is happening. The stories are vanishing from Forsyth's world too. So Forsyth sets out on a desperate journey across Hain to discover how, and why, the stories are disappearing... before their own world vanishes forever. In this clever follow-up to The Untold Tale, The Forgotten Tale questions what it means to create a legacy, and what we owe to those who come after us. * This excerpt is part of The Accidental Turn Series: