Lands Edge
By janhawkinsAU
  • Paranormal
  • aboriginal
  • australian


Book 1 - This story is in its creation. If you are familiar with my work you are welcome to become part of the journey. Let me know if you have any ideas in the direction you would like to see the story take. I would appreciate and enjoy your input. Available on Amazon at Jeremy, a young man of the dance, a songman within a community nestled in the rainforests of Northern Rivers of New South Wales. Drawn into a world beyond his own nurtured by the sacred Lore of the First Peoples who walked across the land in the Dreamtime, he struggles to find his path in life. His people, a people of the Rainbow Serpent, are now remnant of the Ancient Aboriginal tribes who once ranged within this Lore across their country, Australia. Once living life in a world that is more spiritual and at one with their land they must now find their way in a world, which finds worth only in possession. Journey with him as he discovers what his people once understood well, coming within reach of a sacred knowledge understood by those who have now long passed. Discover the truth of lost worlds hidden well beneath the Edge-lands. A story, Song of the Serpent, is the first book in the Spirit Children Series and it is a tale like none other. A story usually told only around the wilderness campfires in the hush of night, it is a tale born of the Dreaming and nurtured within the realms of an ancient knowledge struggling for its existence in a modern day world. Note: The story has a companion book which is Tom's side of the tale, from a more adult perspective. Tom's story is very different from Jeremy's but it reveals the differences in the lives of the two men, their place in the process of life, its growing demands and the things that life involves us in. Jeremy's story is rated G, where as Tom's story (to be released in 2014) is MA. Watch for the release of Tom's story here, and become part of the journey.

Lands Edge

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Lands Edge
by janhawkinsAU