My Big Strong Alpha
By sawlilley
  • Fanfiction
  • alpha
  • fanfiction
  • harrystyles
  • liampayne
  • louistomlinson
  • niallhoran
  • omega


Louis is the head Alpha and he is search of his omega. Harry is an omega and his is in search of his alpha. Liam is Louis' beta or his second in command and he is helping Louis look for his omega. Niall is also Louis' friend and is also a beta. Harry was kicked out of his pack because his parents didn't want a lowly omega as a son. He is left to fend for himself in the cruel world and not to taken advantage of by any alpha. Then one day he comes across Niall in the middle of the forest and Harry is brought back to the pack house. Everyone at the pack house is wary of Harry and he is treated bad until he meets Louis.

Harry's History

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My Big St...
by sawlilley