Our Infinite Escapa...
By ametrinegems
  • Teen Fiction
  • boyfriends
  • broken
  • chicklit
  • city
  • collegelife
  • couple
  • friends
  • funny
  • girlfriend
  • heat
  • humor
  • lighthearted
  • love
  • possesive
  • rehab
  • rich
  • romance
  • secrets
  • teenfiction


In which the guy escaped a rehab unknowingly met his damsel in distress. "If money could buy love, I would have had yours." *** Caelus Alden is in a rehab after having experienced a tragic incident which wrecked him- at least that is what his parents and the society believes. The biggest problem is he never likes it there. That is when Adoni Elisavet- a girl with a wonderful sense of humour, comes into play. He decides on manipulating Adoni into getting him out. With an abundance blackmailing and arguments, a deal is sealed. Both parties are aware there is strictly no string attached in the agreement, no matter how risky one simple deal can be. Unfortunately, little do they know, they also have the most crucial thing at stake- their feelings.

Our Infinite Escapades

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Our Infin...
by ametrinegems