My Last Desire
By No_One_Like_US
  • Werewolf
  • accion
  • fanfic
  • hurt
  • love
  • pain
  • tragedy
  • wolf


I did't want this, I wanted no part of being the reason so may people that meant the world to me had fllen to the ground, not rising again. Why give there life's for someone like me, Why fight at all it ws hopelss. I was worthless, theres nothing any of them could have done. He had me in his grip, yet he wasn't satisfied with just me, He started killing them, All of them not leaving one yet he saved the worse for last. He brote him and broke every bone in his now motionless body that once was so full of life and I kneeled there not able to stop him as I was held back. I was blinded by my own rage and hatred towards him now, He killed him. When I finally opened my eyes from my rage I sat in the same spot holding him in my arms still breathing yet his heart beat was faint , yet everone that was once alive in that room layed on the floor lifeless, except that Monster.He had managed to get away, but next he wouldn't be as lucky. I was going to rip him apart.. Even if I dies in the proces......

My last Desire {Summary <3!}

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My Last D...
by No_One_Like_US