Breathe |girlxgirl|
By TigOleBiddie
  • Romance
  • girlxgirl
  • lgbt
  • love
  • mature
  • sexy
  • steamy


Kendra is a strong-minded girl that knows what she needs and won't let anyone stand in her way of achieving her goals. Marissa is a shy, invisible girl that is just trying to get by in the world. When they meet, both of their worlds are shook. Everything is different. Is this for better...or worse? ******************************** "My bad, Kendra. I didn't see you there..." My voice trails off and my cheeks get bright red. I sidestep her and she continues silently working. What has gotten into her? I clean up my workspace and go to the cabinet to get more flour, when I feel something warm against my back. It's her. Her stomach is pressed against my back and she whispers something in my ear but I can't hear her over the sound of my heartbeat blaring in my ears. Her warm breath carries the soft scent of mint and icing. Two of my favorite things. She sighs onto my neck, making me shiver. "W-what'd you say?" I stutter. "I said, 'those cupcakes are looking awfully delicious, doll.'" She mumbles into my ear. "Th-thank you. I tried my best." What are you doing?!? Focus! I shift over and walk away from her and towards the sink to wash up some more pans. I hear Kendra huff and she appears beside me. She picks up the sponge before I can so I glare at her. "Here, let me help you." She smirks. I stand with the towel and start drying the pans. When she's done washing, she lets out the sink water and I set the towel down and walk towards the big fridge. She gives a frustrated sigh and walks toward me, gripping my waist. My cheeks get bright red and I hold my breath. She's such a beautiful girl....I love the way her apron hugs her curves....the way her full lips look when she bites them...the way she touches me....

Untitled Part 1

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Breathe |...
by TigOleBiddie