Warcraft : The Story
By thLastBoy
  • Historical Fiction
  • cursed
  • elves
  • fantasy
  • humans
  • mysteryous
  • orcs
  • wars


Draenor, the homeworld of the orcs, is being torn apart by a mysterious force known as Fel Magic. Gul'Dan, a powerful orc warlock, unites the orc clans and forms the Horde, and creates a portal to the world of Azeroth. The orcs begin to use Fel Magic to drain the life out of captive draenei in order to sustain the portal. Once it is operational, Gul'Dan leads a small warband to capture prisoners on Azeroth and sacrifice them to bring the rest of the Horde through the portal. Despite their doubts, Durotan, the chieftain of the Frostwolf Clan, his pregnant mate Draka, and his friend Orgrim DoomHammer join this initial warband. While crossing through the portal, Draka goes into labor. When the orcs arrive on Azeroth, Gul'Dan assists Draka with giving birth, but the baby is stillborn. . Gul'Dan then drains the life out of a nearby deer to revive and infuse Fel Magic into the baby. The orcs raid several settlements throughout Azeroth, Anduin Lothar, the military commander of the human forces in the Stormwind Kingdom, looks over some of the men that we're killed, and finds a trespassing mage named Khadgar, who explains that he was investigating the dead bodies because they contained traces of Fel Magic. Khadgar persuades Stormwind's king. Plane Wrynn, to consult Medivh, renowned Guardian of Tirisfal, and Llane sends Anduin and Khadgar to Medivh's stronghold, Karazhan, to inform him of the Fel Magic's presence on Azeroth. In the Karazhan library, a ghostly shadow leads Khadgar to a mysterious book, which he takes.

Orcs & Humans

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by thLastBoy