The devil has bangs
By SweetishSpicy
  • Teen Fiction
  • assault
  • contest
  • hero
  • orphan
  • runaway
  • sisters
  • teen
  • vigilante
  • wattpadcontest
  • wattpadwinner
  • writingcontest


***TRIGGER WARNING: Contains scenes of sexual assault*** I kill Sex Offenders...That's supposed to make me sound good until you realize that I'm a murderer. See. Right there. You just realized it. and now you hate me. or want to walk away and not be any a part of this. That's fine.. I don't need you. Or anyone. Except Abby.. My little sister who was, you guessed it, targeted by her beloved boy friend, William. The first person I ever killed. So now I live on the run helping girls see justice for the men who never did, while keeping an online diary that people probably think is fiction, which works out in my favor anyhow. What prompted the diary you ask? Well, I'll get to that. First things first Chapter 1. Sob Story

The Devil Has A Sob Story

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The devil...
by SweetishSpicy