Using His Enemy For...
By SkylerGuilbert
  • Teen Fiction
  • cheater
  • hayden
  • love
  • morgan
  • revenge
  • somewhatcliche


When Morgan plans on giving herself to her boyfriend of one year, Andy, she buys something new for him, but when she goes to pick him up from his last class, ready to take him back to his dorm, she finds him with his teacher on her knees in front of him. She then runs into Hayden, Andy's worst enemy. Also the one who secretly had a crush on her throughout her and Andy's whole relationship, but he is also the only who who shares her now hate for Andy. So they start talking and Hayden comes up with an idea to get back at Andy. But how will this deal end up? Will Andy give in? Or will she gain feelings for a certain helpful someone? Read about this in 'Using His Enemy For Revenge'. Caution: this book may contain scenes/situations that may be intense for young readers, and may also be sort of cliché, proceed with caution. You have been warned.


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Using His...
by SkylerGuilbert