By TimmyLail
  • Science Fiction
  • action
  • adventureedition
  • hero
  • justwriteit
  • monster
  • romance


"How do you envision your mind? Is it like a temple on a mountain, with monks running around and ringing bells, the perfect image of calm Or maybe it's like a marketplace, with bit and pieces of whatever's on your mind trying to overpower each other, an energetic person Some people even have a mind like a clock, with their emotions the same, and the tic, tic, tic of their brains ever ceasing, kinda like how I picture Dr.Phil or some other egghead with a show. Me....If I had to say, my mind's like embers. One second, it's calm, and then wind comes and it turns back to flame, before it dies back down to embers. And if you have a mind like that too...Then i'm sorry." Enough of that poetic crap. My name's Casca Richards. Yeah, Casca. Mom loved The Bard, what're you gonna do? So, let's see, a little about me...I really hate fighting, but for whatever reason, it's all I can seem to do. I can't help it really. Whenever I get mad, which is often, I get this weird strength, and tend to throw things. Not things like rocks, mind you. Things like washing machines, or telephone poles. Now, I know that makes me sound like Bruce Banner, but believe me, it's not fun. I don't know exactly why I have this strength, but i'd gladly give it away, considering all the bones I break. That, along with property damage, means I don't even have a real home. Thankfully though, I have a friend. You might call him a 'loan shark', but he's a nice guy really. As long as you pay him. If you don't, you get me. So, that's about it really. Well, it's enough, since I hate spoilers too. This'll be a story of my life, written by some god-damned nosy....Well, let's say he was persistent. What kinda last name is Lail anyways?


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by TimmyLail