State of Grace
By RelentlessDreamer
  • Teen Fiction
  • couple
  • dating
  • friends
  • high-school
  • millie
  • teenagers
  • teens
  • writerbug44


Meet Hensley Clark, a totally and completely normal seventeen year old junior in high school who sees the cup as half-full. With her best friend of eight years, Oliver, a steady after-school job in her town's local shopping mall and a half-way boyfriend, she's perfectly content the way that her life is going. For the most part, that is. Overwhelmed by the pressure of keeping a huge secret that could potentially destroy her entire family along with trying to keep her grades up and constantly being forced to babysit her younger siblings, Hensley's only trying to make it out of high school and out of her small town in Florida alive and with her sanity. Now meet Waverly Barnes, a dangerously different seventeen year old junior in high school. Emotionally and mentally scarred by the events of her dark and disastrous past, Waverly is the complete opposite of Hensley Clark, which is a logical explanation for why these two girls cannot stand each other. She's an introvert with basically one friend, her older brother, Finley, if you can even call him a friend. Convinced that the world is full of terrible people, Waverly tends to keep to herself. When these two entirely different girls find their lives clashing together all of a sudden, Hensley head-over-heels in like with Waverly's brother, Finley, and Waverly herself getting enveloped in a mild case of serendipitous love, courtesy of Hensley's best friend, Oliver, the two girls are in for an exciting few months. Can Hensley fulfill her dreams of getting out of Florida forever? Will Waverly overcome her past hardships and finally be able to trust again? Can these two totally divergent girls get past their hatred for one another and be friends? Or will this fragile state of grace come crumbling to pieces?

Chapter 1- You're Lucky You're Cute

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State of...
by RelentlessDreamer