Timeless, March of...
By Animesooty
  • Vampire
  • angel
  • blood
  • demon
  • full
  • immortal
  • magic
  • moon
  • soulmate
  • timeless
  • vampyre
  • witch


Mariah has survived her first attack by the Immortal Circle but that doesn't mean she is out of the woods yet! Now forced to flee to the world of Immortals along with the rest of the Resistance, she begins an adventure that will test her very soul and her resolve to fight against the vampyre who seems to be hot on her heels! Finally reaching Fawo'r, it's not all that surprizing that they are less than welcomed into the group and her allies have no choice but to use whatever means they can to stay! Oppressed by the bandits of Fawo'r because she is the bride of the Immortal Circle, she remains in conflict over her choice to remain trapped by them. Between fighting off her nightmares of the vampyre that rules her mind, staving off the attacks of a tengu that wants her dead and even the possessive affections of the immortals around her, her sanity has begun to falter. Determined to be seen as an equal by them, she finds herself in the midst of a war between the vampire horde and the neutral demon colonies. Disaster strikes quickly and the decision has to be made to return to her home in the human world or risk death. Bonds are tested to their very limits when she comes face to face with the vampyre who has bound her to him for eternity. She'll have to make the deal of her life! To follow Lothair into the depths of hell as his bride, in turn revealing all of the dark secrets that surround her. Or die by the soulless hands of the Puritines! Where should her loyalties lie in the world build on the foundation of deceit? Trust doesn't seem part of the equation anymore.

Timeless, March of the Puritines. (Sequel!)

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by Animesooty