Queen Of Stars
By Jlaicecream
  • Fantasy
  • creatures
  • female
  • magic
  • romance
  • statuses
  • witches


Step out of line, and it could mean horrible things, for you and your family. But Anthea wasn't always like this. Fallyn, the people of her village often called her a fallen angel. A fallen star. Damned and pushed from heaven long ago. Heaven, as in Anthea, the only place worth wanting to live in. Salem was the leading clan of their kingdom. A group of powerful males with magical abilities, ruling along side the royal family. The clan of the night and stars, the incarnate of darkness. One drunken evening of taverns and flirting had Fallyn in more trouble than she bargained for. The next day, a group of Salem and Anthea sentinels come crashing to her cabin and drag her away, back into a magical world, Anthea, known for its beauty, for unknown reasons. Kept there as a prized possession by a magical Master and Lord, Fallyn is forced to face the truth of herself and the world around her.

Chapter one.

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Queen Of...
by Jlaicecream