Blessed Beyond All...
By VickiGreen380
  • Romance
  • adult
  • contemporary
  • romance
  • young


*Due to extreme graphic scenes and language, this read is recommended for mature audiences only. Life sucks. Pain. Anguish. We all have struggles. We all have pain. Cassandra Winston isn't your average girl. Or, maybe she is. With a world filled with destruction, whether it be natural disasters or premeditated slaughters, it's become an existence of fear and struggles to survive. Yet, every day, even without those of national importance, so many people have their own difficulties, ones that others wouldn't know about. No one can pretend to understand what each person goes through. Sometimes time doesn't matter, sometimes appearances can be deceiving. Until.... it's too late. Readers, thank you for allowing me to write freely, to go beyond my daily deadlines, and stresses of my normal daily writing, to bring you something unique. Something that may or may not be published by me in the future. Only time will tell.

Blessed Beyond All Time by Vicki Green

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Blessed B...
by VickiGreen380