By doniya_amir
  • Fantasy
  • everything
  • imagination
  • love
  • romance


Let me tell you something, and I am sorry to break it to you, but all the things that were said in the past and that everything is going to be so developed and that life will be easy in the future, well none of this shit has happened, yes they were some great invents, but life isn't that great now I wish I could live in the past. Any way my name is Noirea, noir means black in French, I am the daughter of king Nill the II also known as king of Black, the world is no more countries it is colors now, and I live in Black. After the world's second war, a lot of strange things began to happen, strange diamonds began to show up, not normal ones, but ones with powers and they were in colors, black, white, blue, red ... and a special one, the gold diamond, also known as ''Risemella'' , it had great power, it could control all the other diamonds, everyone wanted it but only the resill could control it, after a huge war, Risemella disappeared, and special gifts were given to each person, but we have to discover them, they say that Risemella is in a mysterious kingdom which only the resill could see, we were given the black diamond, and we are called the Blackeners.

Where Am I?

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by doniya_amir