Sins Of The Fathers
By wewerewriters
  • Fanfiction
  • action-adventure
  • action-romance
  • adventure
  • bambam
  • crime
  • drama
  • got7
  • got7xoc
  • hate
  • jackson
  • jacksonwang
  • jaebum
  • korea
  • kpop
  • love
  • marktuan
  • politicalthriller
  • romance
  • thriller


South Korea. 2016. Bora is an art student who expected her 21st birthday to be as uneventful and bland as always. She didn't quite expect, however, to become public enemy number 1 on South Korea's hit-list. That is until the intriguing Jackson Wang comes into play on the brink of her 21st birthday, shattering everything she ever believed in. Between haunting revelations, heated car chases, and kidnappings, she finds herself thrown into a world of corruption and crime she struggles to survive in. What is the Ghost Unit? What is the Division? But most importantly, who really is her father? «Mark, Jackson and Bora have done nothing wrong, yet they've inherited the blood on their hands.» In which, a girl finds herself in the middle of blood-curdling Korean politics **************************** Although this is a fanfiction it can be considered fiction as it is set in an alternate universe and no background information is needed to get a full understanding of the plot. Hope you enjoy!


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Sins Of T...
by wewerewriters