Blurred Memories
By yourloveisallIneed
  • Fanfiction
  • adventure
  • dolantwins
  • ethandolan
  • fanfiction
  • graysondolan
  • supernatural
  • teenwolf
  • werewolves


DISCLAIMER: Chapter one and two are published privately. I tried but cannot publish the first two chapters. The description below summarizes what happens in the first two chapters in less details. Sorry for the confusion as to why the "first chapter" is called "CHAPTER THREE: JUST OUR LUCK". -=+=- My memories have been taken away from me. I am learning how to adapt to my surrounds since I was left in this new town. I was left in a house alone with enough money and resources to survive. Not only was my memories taken away from me, but Wesley as well. I do not remember anything that has taken place in my past. When the twins become the new kids at school I start to feel danger. Oddly, I feel as if I know them yet I do not remember anything about them. Should I trust them? ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hey everyone! This is my first "book" so please give feedback so I could improve. This book has werewolves in it and will be using the same sort of background as the show, "Teen Wolf." This is also going to be a long story. Other then that, I hope you enjoy, "Blurred Memories." :) - YourLoveIsAllINeed


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Blurred M...
by yourloveisallIneed