You Saved Me || l.s...
By CummyLarry
  • Fanfiction
  • boyxboy
  • direction
  • harry
  • hell
  • kitten
  • larry
  • larryloveboat
  • louis
  • love
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It was just his normal walk home. He didn't expect to find what he did. A kitten boy. Harry was just a normal 18 year old. He had just graduated, and he was starting life as an adult. He worked at a bakery, and lived in a two bedroom apartment. He was doing pretty good in his opinion. Louis. He was the kitten boy. Louis was.. made. No, not in the natural way. He was made by science. He was an experiment. But, he wasn't treated very well, and he was always talked to in third person. It was always, "Louis needs to go to bed," or, "Louis has to clean his cage." It was never, "you." Always his first name. Louis finally escaped after 16 years. He met Harry in the alley. And Harry took him home, took care of him, cleaned him up. Harry didn't know Louis' story, but he could wait. And he was willing to.


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You Saved...
by CummyLarry