the last battle spoiler Be careful! This is for Susan Pevensie and this is what I think happens to Susan after the last battle, based on what C.S. Lewis said after he wrote the last battle. Thank you. Update: I wrote this story when I was quite young, so upon further reflection, there is a lot I would have done differently. I am also sure there are grammatical errors within the story. I've thought about taking it down, since I don't think it is my best work. However, everyone has to start somewhere. I had a lot of fun writing this at the time, and I was truly very proud of it. And there are a lot of people who still seem to be enjoying the story now! So I have decided to keep it up. That being said, here is your pre-reading warning that it probably isn't the most quality literature you have ever seen. If you feel so inclined to read on, be my guest. I just ask you to bear the above in mind. Thank you so much, and enjoy!
Chapter one