No Rest For The Wic...
By IronicAlibi
  • Action
  • drama
  • elements
  • humor
  • myth
  • romance
  • science
  • si-fi
  • teen
  • urbanfantasy
  • wattys2017


Parker Fey, a genre-savvy teen, found himself in a trunk being kidnapped to an unknown location. Once he meets the person who ordered it, his mind is blown. Emily Lalonde can talk to ghosts, and one warns her of an event in the future that happened long in the past called the Awakening. Leo Jackson is a genius inventor whose amazing powers tend to fly out of control. One day, he is confronted by a girl who knows things about him she shouldn't. Annabeth Strider, who is good at everything she does, is approached by a strange man who has the answers to the death of her mother and seems to no more about her than herself. In a race against time, and with not a lot of resources, these teens find themselves fighting to stop an evil so ancient and powerful it transcends time from destroying not the world, but the multiverse.

Chapter I

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No Rest F...
by IronicAlibi