Negative Correlatio...
By linnes-is-a-moon
  • Fanfiction
  • ceodean
  • destiel
  • destielau
  • fluff
  • supernatural
  • teachercas


Castiel Novak is a happy man. Or at least he thought so. With many secrets worth running away from and moving to a whole new city, the young man had nothing to lose. Or at least when it came to Mr. Dean Winchester, the young and charming CEO of Winchester & Co. - he had everything to lose. What do you get when you put a simple and kind high school Mathematics teacher and add an arrogant, rich businessman into the equation? Definitely not a positive correlation. || Author's Note: When I meant A/U, I meant that I will be using the original characters from Supernatural, meaning that I won't change their characteristics. For example, Dean is still a hunter and Castiel has his wings and grace. However, some events in the show will not have occurred in the story like all the dramatic (and completely angsty and unnecessary, in my opinion) shit like, Castiel loosing his grace etc. This is my first Destiel Fic, so I hope you'll give it a chance. Have a good day! P.S. : I love animating and I have recently started to draw Destiel, so you can check them out on Instagram (@poemsbyalasagna and @minideanwinchester). Your support would mean the world to me! P.S.S : If you make or know of anyone who knows how to make covers, hit me up ;)

Part 1 || New Beginnings

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by linnes-is-a-moon