Half A Millennium {...
By silver_storyteller
  • Historical Fiction
  • avenge
  • death
  • mystery
  • pain
  • pirates
  • romance
  • suspense
  • wraith


BEING PUBLISHED UNDER PAGE PUBLISHING. AVAILABLE LOCATIONS WILL BE REVEALED ONCE IT COMES OUT Once, her name was whispered in fear across the seas. Her ship was the carrier of death. Her swords were like the grim reapers scythe, and her guns were a man's last sight before he died. She was the Pirate Queen. But nearly a millennium has passed since she's heard that title. Now she's a ghost in the shadows, a fallen avenging angel. Beware if you meet her, because you just might not survive the encounter. But what happens if you do? What happens when you learn her mysteries and her deals? What if you want to solve them? Ash did. But maybe, just maybe he won't be able to solve anything. After all, can you trust a pirate not to kill you?

Half A Millennium-Prologue

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Half A Mi...
by silver_storyteller