The Diary of Destin...
By Mike777ac
  • Fantasy
  • adventure
  • destiny
  • diary
  • farming
  • gathering
  • hunting
  • inari
  • journal
  • kitsune
  • survival
  • transportation
  • wattys2016


Agriculture is usually underrated and overlooked. Farming has often been perceived as low-class or work designated to peasants throughout the ages. However, without agriculture, civilization would be unable to exist or persist. Survival would still be possible, but the quality of life would be drastically lower. Hunting is simply too dangerous, inefficient and unstable to support a large population. Gathering wild plants can be just as hazardous and difficult as hunting. Without understanding how difficult life can be without the amenities you take for granted each day, you wouldn't be able to truly appreciate what it means to be a Kitsune. Power must be earned. You will suffer many hardships, but if you do not have the will to survive, then how can I trust you to carry out my will? How could I bestow upon you my blessings if you are unwilling to fight for them? If it is your destiny, then perhaps you will manage to overcome these trials... If not, then I can only offer my condolences. I implore you Child, do not attempt to take this test without proper preparation and settling any affairs you might have. Do not accept this challenge unless you are completely confident in yourself and your ability to survive under extreme adversity! This is not a game! You still have a chance to turn back... Are you certain that you wish to become a Kitsune?

Chapter 1, Day 1: Pity Party

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The Diary...
by Mike777ac