End of Days Series
By DavidNadas
  • Science Fiction
  • blackhole
  • endofdays
  • sci-fi
  • sciencefiction
  • singularity


Here is a collection of shorts based upon the End Of Days, told by those who recorded the event. AUTHOR'S NOTES: MYLAR - This short is a bit dark, like Hemingway's reference to rain. But factually, this short comes from a place of beauty. I was waiting for a friend in his back yard, sitting on a webbed chair and looking up through the tree branches. I could make out this beautiful circular rainbow around the sun and pulled out my phone and captured what you see here. The science behind it is when high thin cirrus clouds contain ice crystals that refract the light. So I sat there and continued to look up with the sun hidden behind the trees and that's when my mind began to wander. Yes, the burden of a sci-fi writer..... --O-- VIEW FROM MY KITCHEN - this short was inspired by a friend's Facebook profile picture update. One of Ann's favorite spots on Earth, where she and her family spend a week each fall. Of course my interpretation of it was much darker... but thats what I do best, it seems.... UNDER EDEN: The third short was inspired from a fellow G+'r, Mark Lynch (Lynchy), who posted a beautiful sunset of his street. It moved me and I knew the story to come with it belonged here. Thanks Mark for the image and please extend a thanks to your wife for the 'squib' reference... I'm still laughing...... REGRETS, BUT ONE: When I started this series, I had written the first three from my perspective. All three ended on a, "no regrets" positive note... pretty much because, if the world were to end tomorrow, I have been pretty happy with my life. That got me thinking, so I asked some friends if they were faced with an end of world scenario, how would they feel. A friend of mine had somewhat of a different view, a bit comically vindictive, so here it is.....


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End of Da...
by DavidNadas