Rickard From CNCO A...
By OliviaHine01
  • Fanfiction
  • band
  • brother
  • crazyparents
  • family
  • sister


This is a story about how Rickard got into CNCO and almost losing his sister forever because their parents would beat his sister without him knowing because he was their favorite child and Olivia was to them a mistake but for Rickard was the best thing in his life. He didn't want to be the only child so he was happy to have a sister. So one day Olivia got home from school and heard someone singing and playing the guitar so she went upstairs to see who it was and to see her brother singing was the happiest moment for her because she remembers that there was this little contest that was going on and so she recorded him and uploaded it to the sight and other information for him. He got a call one day about him coming in for the finals, at first he didn't know anything about it but then he remembered that Olivia loved when he would sing then he said he would go. He went to the finals and since he knew I signed him up he told me to go there with him and I did, but the night before I got a bad beating from my dad because I didn't listen to him. But what happened during the finals I felt bad about. Read to see what happened!!!


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Rickard F...
by OliviaHine01