X-Men: The Empire S...
By WritersBlock039
  • Fanfiction


It's been three years since the destruction of the Death Star, and the X-Men are now five: Pyro, Storm, Beast, Iceman, and Rogue. They've continued to help the Rebel Alliance through their war with the Empire. Now things are beginning to change. The Empire is on the rise with two goals in mind: to destroy the Rebel Alliance. The second goal? To utterly and totally destroy the X-Men. If the X-Men can't work together, or if they're split up, the Empire might just succeed. Tensions between Han and Leia are getting stronger, the feelings between Luke and Danielle are growing, and when they're all being hunted, something is bound to go wrong. The X-Men could prevail and stop the Empire once more . . . or they could pay the price with one of their own. One thing is for sure: the Empire is striking back. They may have won once, but the Empire is rising. *** I still do not own Star Wars, since it belongs to LucasFilms. I do own Danielle Al Thor, she is an original character. The characters' powers and the name X-Men belong to MARVEL. Also, the cover for this is done by marvelously_crazed!


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X-Men: Th...
by WritersBlock039