Nothing to Anyone...
By UghItsEren
  • Fanfiction
  • amazingphil
  • danisnotonfire
  • death
  • heartache
  • love
  • romance


Dan and Phil have been life long friends, with Phil an innocent angel and Dan a mischievous devil, they were star-crossed lovers. Though in their early years, Phil had been sold as a slave, leaving nine year old Dan heartbroken. Later on, Dan got the privilege of buying a slave for himself, though not for what you may think. He bought Phil, unknowing that this was his long lost friend, and set him free of his deeds promptly an hour later. With Phil having no where else to go, Dan allowed him to stay, their love for each other growing in every passing minute. But Dan was dying, always has been. The drug he took, Yin Fang, was slowly killing him, but without it, he could die in seconds. How will Phil handle this news of the one person he loved leaving him? Will he find a cure before time runs out? If time does run out before Phil can save him, Dan will become nothing... Nothing to anyone.

Chapter 1

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Nothing t...
by UghItsEren