Fake Happy
By CrayyZedd
  • Teen Fiction
  • fakehappy
  • franciscolachowski
  • heartbreak
  • highschool
  • hot
  • love
  • mattlanter
  • music
  • past
  • romance
  • secret
  • teen
  • wattys2017


❝I love making you believe, what you get is what you see But I'm so fake happy, I feel so fake happy.❞ ● ● ● ● ● All I could see was him, and no one else. All I could think about was how much he meant to me, and now he's the one who's driven the stake through my heart. "Andrea... I'm really sorry." His voice cast me in a spell as I pursed my lips and looked deep into his eyes for the last time before I turned and walked away like my ass was on fire. ● ● ● ● ● Andrea Black. Almost eighteen, normal teenager, nothing special. She lives in the sidelines, remaining inconspicuous to the outside world. And now, she's moved to a new high school, with hopes of passing life with no complications. Her horrendous past drives her away from social interaction, to bask in her perfected mask. Unfortunately for her, two mortal enemies, just happen to notice her. There are two problems. First, they're Greek-God Abercrombie models hot. Second, they start to mean more to her in many ways and are hell bent on unfolding her layers. Her repeated attempts to run away has made her realise that she's cornered. Cornered by her secrets, cornered by walls reciting danger. The tiny bubble she'd made for herself threatens to burst anytime, harming the people around her. What made a cheery, happy girl drown in depression and fear? What made her hide her true self from prying eyes? Will her secret lead her to better places or worse? Read on to find out. ● ● ● ● ● Previously known as 'MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE.'

Chapter 0 | F A K E H A P P Y

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Fake Happy
by CrayyZedd