M.A.D (THE D.E.A.T...
By EzraWinn
  • Horror
  • boyxboy
  • deathseries
  • desire
  • family
  • killer
  • lgbt
  • love
  • multiplebooks
  • serial-killer
  • series


When you see something, someone you like you want that person, that thing. You stop at nothing to get it. Seeking it full, body, heart, and mind. You can't stop until it is yours. Hold it in your arms treasure it forever and ever. No one, nothing can take it from you. You whisper to your item 'you are mine, and I am your.' Desire is...need. You need, you want, you will have. When there is something that we seek as humans we go to get it. We pull out all the stops. Yelling to the world. 'Look at me!' Get the attention, the money, whatever means is needed to possess this desired thing. Yes, posses because in the end, we all want to possess each other. We all want to own the things we love. If we possess something it is our. No one can take them. Pry them from your cold dead fingers. How far would you go to take what you want? How far is too far? As for all things someone else will come. Someone will try and take what is yours. If you desire something there will always be another that desire it as well. So what to do when this aggressor come for your most beloved thing. Back away and hand it over? Beg them not to steal from you? Or do you protect your possession? Do you set fire to them all? Desires must be earned through absolute determination.


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M.A.D (TH...
by EzraWinn