For All Those Sleep...
By Ppcorn100
  • Fantasy
  • archers
  • dark
  • escape
  • evil
  • fight
  • good
  • knights
  • light
  • mages
  • nobles
  • thieves
  • wattpadprize14


Everyone’s hands are stained with blood. You can use the most basic of soap, but the burn will not pick up the red that is permanently tattooed on your skin. Friendly smiles bear daggers instead of teeth; they’re able to blind you when the light touches the carefully shined metal. Who is to trust in this world? For as long as Leo Caché could remember, Thieves have been the scum of the five races. They cannot be trusted, and it would be suicide if one attempted to. Everyone - even Thieves like himself - have long since accepted this fact. All but one man: Cedric. He creates a machine that extracts the DNA of a person, leaving him as a “human” instead of his former race. As much as he would enjoy denying it, Leo finds himself in the spot of the “good guy”. He reunites with everyone he abandoned in the past, but is his own good strong enough to overcome the evil of a powerful Thief? To prove that all Thieves aren’t ruthless, Leo needs you to put all your trust in him. So follow his lead, he’ll keep you covered. [ ©2014 Ppcorn100 . All Rights Reserved , October - 27 April ]


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For All T...
by Ppcorn100