Old Love (Stiles &a...
By sammy14355003
  • Teen Fiction
  • lydiamartin
  • scottmccall
  • stilesfanfic
  • stilesstilinski
  • teenwolf


Ana had a tough year she lost her best friend/sister she was a little distant from the pack and she hasn't been in school for 2 weeks. She changed everything about herself but inside she feels weak, she can't handle so many loses she lost another person she loves a lot she's done. Ana has gone through a lot her dad is still not home. Lydia knows something about Ana that even Ana doesn't know, Lydia doesn't want to tell Ana because she will feel worse about herself. Stiles and Malia have been having some romance, Ana is still very mad at Stiles, she might even hate him. Will they manage to get back together like they always do? Or does she really want to move on? Will Ana get along with Malia? Will Ana discover something new about herself? Will Ana finally become her normal caring self or be this girl who really is broken inside? Read to find out (S4&S5) I have two other books of S1 and the second book is S2&S3 These books is exactly like the show but just adding a new character

1:Findind young Derek?✔️

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Old Love...
by sammy14355003