Ruining His Summer
By UnluckyAlyssa
  • Teen Fiction
  • arson
  • boat
  • fire
  • friendship
  • guidians
  • honesty
  • juvie
  • police
  • water


He saw everything and then he ratted her out. She went away, but now she's back. Silvia Brendor went away to prison for setting fire to her father's boat because of Abe Ronrock, the son of a police officer, who ratted her out to police. And after two years of being locked away, she comes back, seeking revenge on Abe and ready to get her life back in check. But being an ex-con is harder than she thought. Instead of getting back her job as an assistant, she now works for a business renovating yards and gardens. As if that wasn't bad enough, her life gets worse when Abe Ronrock steps back into her life as her "guidian." But it isn’t long before Abe finds himself in the same group as her, thanks to her revenge plot. Silvia knows that Abe’s falling for her and she discovers that this could be the best revenge plot of all. But the more she finds out about his life, and the more he finds out about hers, the harder it gets for Silvia to stop herself from ending up like Abe. Falling for the wrong person. Could they be a perfect match or will she end burning more than just the boat?

Ruining His Summer

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Ruining H...
by UnluckyAlyssa