Whispers In My Ear
By OlyviaHughes
  • Teen Fiction
  • dramatic
  • heartbreaking
  • lovable
  • sad
  • suspenseful


It was a cold Autumn day as the leaves barely hung on the trees and the wind blew across the face of a young girl named rose she was walking in her old wooden house as her younger brother jacob barged in with a loud thump! "Rose i'm getting a new comic today!!" "Why would i care??" She said with agrifation , "just wanted to tell you geez!" Jacob slowly walked out of the room with his head held low and his face in a stif frown."whatever rose told herself".The day slowly drifted away and the moon shown bright on all the windowseals,"time to go to bed". Jacob gave Rose a disappointed look and turned off his light and went to bed.The morning sun went silently up and Rose's. Mom came in her room and said "taking Jacob to the doctor love you" Rose didn't think much about it but she wish she did because she got a text saying Jacob has cancer he only has an hour to live,Rose sat by his bed and told him she loved him and he told her "if you hear whispers in your ear that's me love you" End

whispers in my ear

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by OlyviaHughes