The Abyss
By ninjastarkid
  • Horror
  • apocalypse
  • comedy
  • darkness
  • horror
  • scifi
  • supernatural
  • teens
  • thriller


"No." Her tone final. Her dark eyes twinkling, she spoke again, her speech soft and tiny against the vast and seemingly limitless night, "I'm scared of Darkness, and that is something very, very different. Darkness is the whispers in the night. Darkness is the monster in the closet, hidden by shadows, hunting its human prey. Darkness is the fervent mutterings of the insane, as only they can see what truly lurks beyond. Darkness is the cries of the dead, who have long suffered from its wrath. Darkness is the unforgiving warrior pitched in an endless battle with the forces of light. It comes and takes everything. The light. The shadows. The joy. The love. It leaves nothing. All who succumb, fall into a never ending dreamless slumber in which they see nothing, feel nothing, and as a result, are nothing. Darkness goes by another name, a better name, its ultimate form. The Abyss."

Chapter 1: Back to the Start

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The Abyss
by ninjastarkid