Those Beautiful Lies
By mommasugawara
  • Fanfiction
  • boyxboy
  • fiction
  • gay
  • haikyuu
  • hajime
  • hardlove
  • homosexual
  • iwaizumi
  • iwaizumixoikawa
  • iwaoi
  • king
  • kingdom
  • lgbt
  • love
  • maturecontent
  • oikawa
  • romace
  • shipromance
  • thosebeautifullies
  • tooru


Our society believes that we are like a flame and a shadow; one can not exist without the other. Because apparently taking away people's freedom of choice is the right thing to do. No, it apparently isn't a way to manipulate people as if they were a puppet and not an actual person. But of course, why should it matter. The truth doesn't matter, it only matters what the people believe. The flame always has to overcome the shadow. • The Kingdom of Oteri, ruled by the King and Queen and their four sons. But the Kingdom is divided in half; the Flames and Shadows. The Alphas and Omegas, the farmers and the livestock, the cats and the mice. The Flames are the rulers of all, they are the richest, the most privileged. They are high and mighty, not to be looked down upon. But the Shadows are their servants. They are considered lower then dirt, only alive to do the work the Flames can't waste their precious time on. Flames and Shadows are considered enemies; only allowed fall in love with your own kind. But, if a Flame and a Shadow fall in love, only the Shadow is executed, for Flame lives are too precious. The Kingdom of Oteri is nothing to be messed with. For hundreds of years, Flames have walked the Kingdom like gods, and the Shadows like insects at their feet...until a boy named Oikawa Tooru nudges the bonds between the two. The world balances on the edge of a knife. One more false step, one more wrong word, and you will suffer for it. - - - All names, characters, places, events, and incidents are results of the authors imagination or are being used in a fanfiction manner. No plagiarism is intended, actual events or names of the living or dead are purely coincidental. Also, the art that I use to portray a visual image of characters or places is not mine, nor are the videos I use unless I say it is. All credit goes to the rightful owner

Chapter I

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Those Bea...
by mommasugawara