What The Hearts Of...
By Foreverwriter94
  • Fanfiction
  • alternateversion
  • dceu
  • dreamsequences
  • fanfiction
  • suicidesuqad2016


The Enchantress gives the squad an choice of what they really want in their lives. How they would all imagine their deepest desires. She shows all of them giving them their ultimatums. OWN NOTHING related to Suicide Squad or its characters. That privilege belongs to DC and director David Ayer. Some of the scenes of the sequences I changed up like Diablo's, Deadshot and Flag's. Also gave Boomerang, Katana and Killer Croc theirs because it's only fitting. Speaking of KC, I did his as if he was able to hear Enchantress while dealing with the bomb for I believe it goes beyond just God powers. Oh, and the Japanese sentences you see I used for Katana's dialogue with her, her husband and twin daughters on Google translate so if you have trouble understand what it means, I put English dialogue next to it. Enjoy and tell me what you guys thought.

What The Hearts Of The Squad Wants.

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What The...
by Foreverwriter94