Warriors: The Three...
By FiireKat
  • Fanfiction
  • ambertail
  • birdbreath
  • blood
  • bossykit
  • cats
  • dark
  • darkforest
  • darkness
  • death
  • dogs
  • erin
  • evil
  • fan
  • featherpaw
  • fiction
  • fire
  • fireclan
  • firestar
  • fluffbird
  • forest
  • frostkit
  • gathering
  • good
  • graystone
  • hawkkit
  • heatherkit
  • hinter
  • hunter
  • kit
  • kits
  • ladyfierce
  • laptail
  • larkpaw
  • meeting
  • mistkit
  • mystery
  • natnoes
  • possessed
  • prophecy
  • ratpaw
  • sharpkit
  • snakepaw
  • starclan
  • sweetpelt
  • tallpaw
  • three
  • warrior
  • warriors
  • wildkit


*~*~*One of the three will give birth to the most powerful kit ever. One of the three will abandon their Clan to follow love. And one of the three will be able to walk in others dreams.*~*~* In FireClan, the three kits of Ladyfierce and Birdbreath are born, Hawkkit, Heatherkit, and Wildkit. The three are given a prophecy in their dreams from Ambertail, a StarClan warrior. As the three grow, they're introduced to new lies that may affect the warrior code, and the lives of the Clans. Heatherkit is determined to keep things in order when things begin to fall apart, not just for the sake of her Clan, but something that may affect all four.

Warriors: The Three Kits

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by FiireKat