Three Faces
By danlle12
  • Random
  • beyou
  • changers
  • death
  • destiny
  • life
  • three-faces


CHAPTER 2 I wish that people stopped being such bastards and that they started respecting and caring for each other, and simple as that, we could be a good society. Being myself is simple and easy but the trouble beings when people start to judge and pretend their life's are so freaking perfect while running others days or lifes. But you don't have to be what they want just be careful and be you. Just like Japanese say "we have 3 faces, the first one is the one we show to the world, the second one is the one we show to our family and closest friends, and the third one is the one we keep to our selves the face you never show the REAL you". And for me a lonely girl that's hard, being me, but thing are going to change.

Giving A Twist

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Three Fac...
by danlle12