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By LandOfFantasy
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Ah so you have found the lush land of fantasy. A world that contains so many possibilities, so many opportunities to do greatness. It truly is a endless world with countless stories to be told. Will you help these tales see the light of day or will they be smothered until they are forgotten shadows of what once were. Will you spread the magic and wonder that this land gifts us. I surely hope you do, for it is a troubled unstable land. Not all dare to venture past the lines of reality to see this amazing land. Some are wandering in the mortal world while destiny lies here. New story's are being made every day with in this world, but most are kept secret from the ears of common folk. These story's are some of the greatest ever made yet it is the story bearer ' choice to speak it's words. To give the common folk the hope that even a farm boy can do something great and magnificent. These stories of wonder and magic make people belive in hope. Will you help spread the Land of Fantasy?

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by LandOfFantasy