Brilliantly Dull
By RiptideBooks
  • Teen Fiction
  • 2016
  • barnesandnoble
  • colorless
  • colorlesseyes
  • depressed
  • inaway
  • roadtrip
  • sims
  • summer
  • timetraveling
  • youtube


Viola Russey is a normal 16 year old. She likes playing Sims for hours on end, watching YouTube for days on end, reads books with a couple relatable characters, and has a special love for Panic!. The only un ordinary things about her is she actually likes her job at Barnes and Noble, she's depressed (sort of, it's hard to explain just read the book :)) and she can't see color. No she's not color blind, she literally can only see grey, black, and white. So when her family drags her along on a road trip across the country, she's bored to death. Until she finds a huge used bookstore. Still pretty normal, but then she sees color. A whole person in color. He drags his hands across the spines of the books and every inch he touches turns bright with colors she never knew about. Who is this stranger, what's so different about him? Maybe he is the Brendon Urie of her dreams ;)

|Chapter 1|

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by RiptideBooks