The Symphony
By SaphiraTARDIS11
  • Romance
  • bestfriends
  • boyxgirl
  • comfort
  • lifelongillness
  • romance
  • sickness
  • slightdepression
  • slightselfhatred


Elizabeth has been head-over-heels for her best friend James since their second year of school together. James has a disease which makes him very ill, almost all the time. He has to take medication three times a day so he won't die. Both James and Elizabeth are violinists, and they bond over their mutual love of music. They decide to go a unique, once-in-a-lifetime concert together. It would be the first time in almost a year since they had met in person. But James falls ill the night of and can't make it, crushing Elizabeth, whose hopes had been too high. What happens next is anyone's guess. {I am sooo sorry for the horrible description. James is actually a friend of mine, and he really does have a disease. I can't recall the name, but this is very much what he goes through. Not everyday, because his medications are constantly being tweaked to prevent this, but I had to take a few liberties with this. Elizabeth is me. That is why the description is so difficult for me. How do you describe a fantasy you had involving your best friend that could actually happen?} ----The cover does not belong to me, I found it online. And yes, I am a violinist, and I love it :) <3.

But if you close your eyes.

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The Symph...
by SaphiraTARDIS11