Dot Dot Dot
By stillunbroken
  • Teen Fiction
  • accident
  • admissions
  • adopted
  • angel
  • assumptions
  • baby
  • bad
  • beautiful
  • book
  • boring
  • bouquet
  • boxes
  • boy
  • broken
  • brother
  • cage
  • car
  • caring
  • change
  • choking
  • classical
  • college
  • comedy
  • coming
  • cord
  • crack
  • dance
  • dancers
  • dancing
  • death
  • devil
  • dog
  • dot
  • dreaming
  • eighth
  • electricity
  • ember
  • emory
  • empty
  • fight
  • first
  • flame
  • flower
  • formal
  • four
  • fourth
  • friends
  • girl
  • glass
  • grade
  • guardian
  • heart
  • its
  • jake
  • jazz
  • jealousy
  • jenny
  • john
  • juliet
  • just
  • killer
  • kiss
  • laugh
  • law
  • lenora
  • lonely
  • love
  • mad
  • magic
  • mayer
  • merriam
  • middle
  • mixtape
  • mom
  • moments
  • music
  • names
  • novella
  • numb
  • ocd
  • orphan
  • parents
  • park
  • phone
  • piano
  • pink
  • pity
  • popularity
  • punch
  • quirks
  • rabbits
  • rat
  • romantic
  • romeo
  • rory
  • rumors
  • school
  • senior
  • seventh
  • shakespeare
  • shoes
  • silence
  • slow
  • slut
  • soon
  • sound
  • soundtrack
  • spare
  • stall
  • stevie
  • strikingly
  • study
  • suicide
  • sunset
  • tear-jerking
  • thing
  • thousand
  • trouble
  • trumpets
  • two
  • unloved
  • vignette
  • vignettes
  • vines
  • war
  • water
  • window
  • winner
  • winter
  • wonder
  • woods
  • writing
  • year
  • years
  • young


●A series of romantic vignettes strung together to create a hilarious and heartbreaking novella of young Rory's love life● "It happened so quickly. There you were with Jake's collar in your left hand. Your right hand swung back and the next thing I knew, Jake was on the ground, clutching his blood-soaked nose as hard as he was clutching onto my body. Your eyes locked with mine. For a moment it was just us. I was ready. I wanted you back. I expected you to walk up. For us to talk everything out. But as soon as you came, you left. Like a guardian angel."

Dot Dot Dot //coming soon//

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by stillunbroken