The Publisher
By CalebHawn
  • Science Fiction
  • cay
  • doctor
  • doctorwho
  • emane
  • malum
  • nollal
  • publisher
  • sciencefiction
  • tardis


I finally finished my Doctor Who fan fiction this summer (2016) that I have been writing for half a year now. Though it's a Doctor Who fan fic, it's not actually about The Doctor and his companions like most all DW stories are. This story is about a new character called The Publisher. I won't say any more. You'll have to find out the rest. It also happens to connect to the same universe as many of my other stories, so there are a couple guest characters that show up in here from my other stories. I began writing this on New Year's Eve/Day 2016, which is actually exactly when the first few chapters of this story takes place. I began writing it while I was watching the New Year's Eve party in New York and thought I'd put my characters in the middle of that while I was watching it live. The story has a bit of a strange point of view. You'll notice that it seems to be in the third person point of view and that it will sometimes randomly switch from past tense to present tense and future tense. That was intentional, and the story actually has a first person point of view narrator that doesn't initially reveal their identity, though there are hints here and there. See if you can guess who it is. I hope you will enjoy my first Doctor Who fan fiction. If you like it, please let me know and I may write a sequel. If you don't, please be a critic. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111oneone Written using Office Suite 8.

Chapter 1 ֍ A Subtle Crash

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The Publi...
by CalebHawn