Snobby English Men
By derpkween
  • Teen Fiction
  • canada
  • college
  • death
  • england
  • love
  • school
  • tragedy


"Death. It's a touchy subject, yet it's in almost all the books and stories. It's always crying, mourning and the boom, everything gets better. But that's not the case. DEFINITELY not the case. I mean, every tear shed is a prayer to God saying, 'Please bring them back...' And 'I never got to properly say good bye...'. After that, the never-ending grief. You cared about them. And the fact that they're gone will always seem like a lie to you, although you know it's true. You just don't want to believe... You just don't want to believe that they're really not there anymore. And I will never forget. I will continue on through life and make my family proud of me. Thank you." I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I stepped away from the podium. And I realized. I would never see that podium ever again. Elena Hill is a twenty year old female. She is a hard worker. She had traveled all her way from Canada to go to a university in London. She is smart, clever, funny and amazing to say the least. She's also pretty good looking and has a little rebel in her. She's only dreamed of coming to London to get a good university degree-- but she got in. She's always expected the least of her life so things can't possibly get worse than what she thinks will happen, right? Wrong. Her roommate happens to be the cockiest, most sarcastic, rudest person ever, yet the hottest and the most awesome. The worst part is? She's totally into hot, British chicks. Daniel Watson. 20, don't call him Dan. Cool, popular, totally awesome. Laid back, lazy. Hot, fabulous, a little bit sassy. Cocky, sarcastic a little rude. When you get a first glance you be like, "Whoa, oh my God. This guy is amazing." But once you get to know him? Things'll get a little bit worse. He's British and handsome too. He's smart and got a grade as high as one of the smartest people to get in this year, which happens to be his roommate. [❌] Uncompleted Story! Copyright © 2016 by AcrylicMuffin. All Rights Reserved


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Snobby En...
by derpkween