Never Too Late (Nar...
By Bre2k9
  • Fanfiction
  • dark
  • hope
  • katachi
  • kina
  • light
  • naruto
  • sasuke
  • sasuoc


THIS STORY HAS BEEN ABANDONED, PLEASE READ THE CHAPTER WHY ISN'T THERE MORE FOR DETAILS!!! "I was once told it was never too late to become who we are meant to be. All it takes is for someone to have faith." His entire goal had been to kill the one who had murdered his clan. To do so, Sasuke Uchiha tried in vain to escape to Orochimaru. He was brought back to the village, but there was part of him that was gone and no one - not even those who had once been his closest friends - could find it. He has turned his back on his old life, devoted completely to his goal. However, one appears who threatens his resolve. She was running, trying to escape a past that destroyed whatever was in its wake whenever it caught up. Rather than lose her life, though, Kina Katachi continued to chase after her own. To escape the darkness that had once plagued her before she met him. But in pursuing her dream, she runs the risk of losing herself once more to her darkness. The darkness doesn't enjoy losing its hold. Once it has it, is it too late to escape it? Or can light from within vanquish even the mightiest of darkness?

Never Too Late

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Never Too...
by Bre2k9