The Deep End: A Col...
By startarbars
  • Poetry
  • anonymous
  • collection
  • dark
  • darkthemes
  • depression
  • masochism
  • negativity
  • poetry
  • relationships
  • sadism
  • selfdeprecating
  • selfharm
  • shortstory
  • story
  • submissions
  • suicide
  • trigger
  • triggerwarning
  • unhealthy
  • unhealthyrelationships


There are normal thoughts. These, we may voice to anyone. There are strange thoughts. These, we may voice to a close friend. Both are contained in this collection. They are not the purpose of this story. Finally, there are the thoughts to which we give no name. We claim to not have them. We claim to not know them. We feign disgust at their mention. These reactions are a lie. This story is the truth. Read at your own risk. -_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Not all of these are mine. Those written by others will not be credited, but they are only added with the knowledge and consent of the author. Do NOT submit your writing in the comments; message me privately. Your message should include your poem/short story/thought and your clear consent to post it. You will remain anonymous, and I will not comment or judge you for your submission. I may censor it, however. Your submission may or may not be posted. Submissions may be reworded or rewritten. If given as a statement, it is likely they will be put into a poetry format. Trigger warning for dark themes (nothing graphic), including but not limited to: - references to self harm - references to suicide - unhealthy relationships - self-deprecating language - sadistic messages - masochistic messages - depression - general negativity If any of these bother you, PLEASE keep yourself safe by not reading this. Your health comes first, always and forever. If you believe another warning is necessary, comment. All of these are included with the intention of either promoting awareness or honesty. Some of these are romanticised, or may seem to promote unhealthy activity. This is not the intention of anyone. IF YOU OR SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS CONSIDERING ANYTHING HARMFUL TO THEMSELVES OR OTHERS, PLEASE CONTACT SOMEONE WHO CAN HELP. This may be a close friend, trusted adult, hospital, or authority figure. If you believe any topics mentioned are not properly respected or accurately conveyed, please comment or contact me.


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The Deep...
by startarbars